According to Will Rhode, research analyst in Links of London Back to SchooL Chubby Black PenciL Charm and author of the new report, "Holistic Latency Monitoring: Finding the Chain's Weakest Link," the internal decision-making process has become the fat end of the latency wedge. "Latency is a challenge comprised of inter-related parts, which, when addressed together by banks, deliver success in excess of their sum. As a result, more revolutionary, holistic approaches allowing for greater efficiencies and cross-fertilization of latency reduction skill sets are now emerging." Advances in reducing latency across an Links of London Jumbo Charm network have cleared the path for banks and trading firms to think more clearly on the more complex challenge of internal processing latency, leading to adoption of new, more holistic approaches to latency reduction, tackling the internal compute challenge. Specifically, says Rhode, internal compute latency is a multi-faceted challenge covering infrastructure capacity and Links of London; quality of data and absolute latency; application performance and coding latency; inter-application messaging and data translation delay. Many prevalent latency monitoring solutions offer 'out of band' techniques such Links of London Bookworm Charm passive, non-invasive hardware clock or packet-capture tools for monitoring and measuring application-layer latency non-invasively via the network. "But application log files are also a useful tool for measuring into internal processing latency.