Links of London equipment

Although the foodprocessing industries are relatively unconsolidated, consolidation has started to take place, following Links of London country’s accession to the EU in May , resulting in a decline in the number of manufacturers. In many respects, the country’s food sector has benefited from EU membership, for it has allowed Czech products to penetrate EU markets further and compete successfully on a Links of London Laughing BuddhA Charm basis, therefore boosting exports. EU membership has also forced many producers to modernise their production facilities in order to meet EU health and safety standards, particularly in the meat, dairy and milling industries. Nevertheless, levels of technology and the use of modern equipment vary between companies. Locally produced foods benefit from a lower price point compared with imports, as well as the longestablished tradition of many of the more popular domestic brands. Imports mostly consist of fruits, vegetables, bakery products, pasta, confectionery and edible oils. The leading food, drinks and tobacco companies in the Czech Republic comprise subsidiaries of multinationals as well as domestic firms. However, difficult operating conditions have led to some companies exiting the market. Links of London m Charm example, during late , Norwegian diversified Orkla Food’s arm of the Orka Brands conglomerate sold its Guseppe business in the Czech Republic, following reports of falling sales and profits in . Nevertheless, a related Czech division of the conglomerate, Orkla Food Ingredients, continued to post solid growth of its KaKa Cz arm, which supplies bakeries and confectionery makers. Some of its brands include Favorit, Links of London Mobile Charm, Stella Extra, Diana, Bianka, Omega and Ceres, with products ranging from fruit spreads to chocolate. Leading Players Nestlé ?esko is primarily a confectionery producer, but also manufactures culinary products, instant coffee and baby foods. Nestlé has invested more than CZKbn in the Czech Republic since market entry in .

Par feng1 le mardi 21 décembre 2010


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