The Mobile Handset Market Shares company sold .mn handsets in , By Vendor, Q and .mn in the first half of . While its market share is . down from a year high Links of London . in June , it still is far ahead of its nearest rival, Samsung, which controls . of the market. In Q, Nokia sold .mn devices in Latin America, a yearonyear increase, compared with a global increase of . Overall, Latin America represented of Links of London A Charm number of devices sold globally, and . of net Source Nokia sales with EURmn USmn. Lowcost phones comprise the bulk of Nokia Mobile Devices by Region Nokia’s handset sales in Latin America, however higherend smartphones and mobile computers, which Nokia terms ‘converged mobile devices’, account for nearly of devices sold worldwide, and these sales could rise significantly in Latin America given the changes in the market. G services are extremely popular in major Latin American markets, and devices capable of new applications have seen a surge in demand. Argentina, for example, saw a increase in Links of London Allsorts 1 row bracelet sales year onyear in H. Unfortunately for Source Nokia Nokia, the principal beneficiaries of this growth were Research In Motion, maker of the BlackBerry OS, and Google, the driving force behind the increasingly popular Android platform. Symbian, Nokia’s operating system, lost its leadership position and dropped to third place. It is clear that Nokia will have to make some adjustments if they are to take full advantage of emerging opportunities in the Latin American advanced handset market. Elop’s experience at Microsoft and the announcement of the departure of head of smartphone development Anssi Vankoji have added fuel to speculation that the company’s smartphone strategy is soon to change, Links of London B Charm dropping Symbian in favour of Windows Phone . Other rumours insist that the company will finally let its guard down and join the Android bandwagon, a move that revitalised the criticallyill Motorola within a few quarters.
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