We show that in many cases the framework can be used to efficiently reduce the number of generated paths. PUBLICATION Continuous Links of London Markov decision processes CTMDPs with a finite state and action space have been considered for a long time. It is known that under fairly general conditions the reward gained over a finite horizon can be maximized by a socalled piecewise constant policy which changes only finitely often in a finite interval. Although this result is available for more than years, numerical analysis approaches to compute the optimal policy and reward are restricted to discretization methods Links of London rock star guitar charm are known to converge to the true solution if the discretization step goes to zero. In this paper, we present a new method that is based on uniformization of the CTMDP and allows one to compute an εoptimal policy up to a predefined precision in a numerically stable way using adaptive time steps. PUBLICATION ABSTRACT We consider a single machine scheduling problem with resource dependent release times that can be controlled by a nonincreasing convex resource consumption function. The objective is to minimize the weighted total resource consumption and sum of job completion times with an initial release time greater than the total processing times. It is known that the problem is polynomially solvable in Onsup with n the number of jobs. We describe an improved algorithm Links of London Pink Heart Charm Signature Necklace complexity On log n. We show further how to perform sensitivity analysis on the processing time of a job without increasing the complexity. PUBLICATION ABSTRACT We study the production planning problem for a multiproduct closed loop system, in which the manufacturer has two channels for supplying products producing brandnew products and remanufacturing returns into asnew ones. In the remanufacturing process, used products are bought back and remanufactured into asnew products which are sold together with the brandnew ones. The demands for all the products are uncertain, and their returns are uncertain and pricesensitive. The problem is to maximize the manufacturer's expected profit by jointly determining the production quantities of brandnew products, the quantities of remanufactured products and the acquisition prices of the used products, subject to a capacity constraint. Links of London Scottie Charm mathematical model is presented to formulate the problem and a Lagrangian relaxation based approach is developed to solve the problem. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the model and test the solution approach.
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